Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Recipes - Seafood & Tomato Tagliatelle

Seafood & Tomato Tagliatelle

Serves Two
Prep time: 10 min, Cook time: 20 min.

Another one of J. and my often repeated and favourite dishes, cooked uncountable times. The best thing about this is that it is really quick, easy and healthy too!


350g seafood (cooked or raw, prawns, squid, mussel meat, anything really!)
10-15 cherry tomatoes, halved
100g mushrooms, sliced
2 cloves garlic, diced
150-200g tagliatelle
1/2 lemon
olive oil


Bring a pan of water to the boil, add the tagliatelle, some salt and oil to the pan and simmer to cook according to the pasta you're using (7-12mins).

To a frying pan add a little oil and fry the garlic until aromatic, then add the mushrooms and tomatoes. When the mushrooms are tender add the seafood (cook for a couple of minutes if raw).

Drain the pasta and add to the tomato & seafood mixture stir until well combined, squeeze the lemon juice over and serve. Enjoy!

The finished dish.

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